EDIT: The trailer doesn't work for some reason, so here's a video of me playing the game for a minute. Treat it like a very quick tutorial of sorts.

You're a chronomancer. You can rewind, fast forward, and freeze time. But in your world, for some unfathomable reason, you're not the hero but a mere sidekick to one (a lousy one at that).

In this autobattler, you'll need to help the hero to win against an overpowered monster by rewinding time to recover the hero's health or pushing time forward to stop the monster from completing his deadly charge attack. You can even freeze time to give yourself time to think and prepare your badass chronomancy.

Sidenote: the hero is arrogant so don't expect him to appreciate your brilliance and hard work. Your spells work both ways: you can use them to help or hinder both the hero and the monster. It's your choice.

How To Play

General Idea

The hero and monster will fight automatically. Your job is to use your time spells to manipulate the outcome (or even reverse a completed outcome). Both have their own action progress bar (blue) and each time the bar is full, they'll act on the intention indicated by the arrow.

Here's a video of me playing for a few minutes.

Using Spells

Hold left click on the "Rewind" or "Fast Forward" button to create a line and drag the line on top of the target. Available targets: hero's body, hero's intentions, monster's body, monster's intentions.

Rewind - rewinds time with effects that change depending on the target (doesn't do anything if there's nothing to rewind, so be careful because it'll trigger the cooldown nonetheless)

On a body - reverses last received damage

On the intention list - returns to the previous intention while maintaining action progress

Fast Forward - fast forward time with effects that change depending on the target

On a body - executes current plan immediately (for charge attack this just increments a charge counter)

On the intention list - skips to the next intention while maintaining action progress.

Each spell needs to be recharged after use. So, make them count.

 Note that the intentions come in threes and you can't rewind and fast forward beyond the first and last intention.

Freezing Time

Time can be paused which stops both the hero and monster from acting. But your spells will continue to recharge. You can also use your magic during the pause.

Click [Space] to pause time, and click it again to unpause. You can also click the snowflake icon to pause and unpause.

On Balance

Umm...I'm afraid of playing my own game because when I tried it, it's quite difficult. I like turn-based games and anything real-time stresses me out. But even if it's difficult, that's what I feel but not you, so feel free to tell me how I can tweak the difficulty better.

Edit: Very doable with certain upgrades.



Kenney - 1-Bit Pack

Lorc - Fire Dash, Snowflake, Quick Slash

Delapouite - Plain Arrow


Fachii - Button hover

Pixabay - Fast Forward, Magic Chargeup

Voicebosch - Jingle Bells

Lesfm - Just Relax

dffdv - Monster Warrior Roar

Kevin MacLeod - Obliteration

Zapsplat - Rewind

666HeroHero - Slash

Top-Flow - Stellar Echoes

Feedback Appreciated

Feel free to give me feedback on anything - criticism, praise, suggestion, etc. I'm open (or I try to be) to all of them so please don't restrain yourself on my account.

Updated 21 days ago
Published 23 days ago
Made withGodot

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